quinta-feira, 1 de julho de 2010

My Kriptonite

When I have to save the night
You arrive and the darkness ends the light
And that's when I understand that you're my kriptonite

When you came and my powers are gone
 I think it's time and I'm done
It's force bigger than mine I can't hold it on

But when the pain is finishing the superman
You reaveal yourself as my side kick in the end
And I love you more than a beautiful girlfriend
The strongest super power is all in my hand.

1 comentário:

  1. tá mt fixe "But when the pain is finishing the superman
    You reaveal yourself as my side kick in the end" curti bue deste... mas olha, eu tirava o that no ultimo verso da 1ª estrofe. pa encaixar melhor. xD
