sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Game Over

You're like a level where I can't find the door
I have all my lives but I don't want to try it more
Between us there's a river of flames or something even worse
But love is a gambling and you bet all you have in the wrong horse
Take a card from the deck with all your luck and faith
You think you have your king but I'm your ace of spades
You are good at this game, but you're falling to the bottom
Let's clear this, just press another button
We can't break this wall, and we can't be done
You're using the same weapon, now you need another one
This floor is too dangerous and you need to pass it by
I will be your pair of wings and help you through the sky
Push the slot machine
You're suffering a lot
I can give you everything
I can be your jackpot
"Let it crash, let it burn, let it go", and we can win then
Put in you mind this game is over, let's try it again?

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